
Central Idea of My Mother at Sixty six

Central Idea of My Mother at Sixty six

Central Idea of My Mother at Sixty six

Give the central idea of the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’.

Central Idea of the Poem – My Mother at Sixty-six

The central idea of the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ composed by Kamala Das is that –
This poem shows the fear of losing her mother of the poetess. Her mother is in the last phase of her life. So the poetess feels that she will pass away soon. Poetess gets scared of this thought. To come out of this negative thought, she looked outside of car. The world outside was full of life and activity. The young trees seemed running fast. Children looked very happy. At the airport, they had to undergo a security check. The poetess was standing a few yards away from her mother. She looked again at her old mother. She felt pained to look at the colourless and pale face of her mother. But hiding her tears, the poetess said, “See you soon Amma”.

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